Learn to decorate by mixing different styles

Learn to decorate by mixing different styles

There are a lot of different decorative styles, so many that sometimes it is difficult to choose just one. In the last few years, it has become more common to mix different styles with amazing results.

When decorating using different styles it is important to keep a balance.  Doing it wrong can bring you a lot of headaches because you can make your house look less like a home and more like a dollar store. Keeping the balance can be tricky but not impossible. So let’s take a look at some tips to decorate by mixing different styles and do not die trying.

Do not mix too many styles at the same time

It is important to not mix too many styles, the more styles you mix, the more difficult it will be to maintain a balance.  Especially, if they are very dissimilar styles. There is a rule in interior design called the 80/20 rule.

When decorating a room, 80% of the decoration should have the same vibe or similar style, like colors, furniture, and lightings and the other 20% can have a unique character, with more eclectic and eye-catching pieces that attract attention. It is not that you cannot mix several styles at the same time, you can do it, but you must do it in a way that makes sense and maintains the balance that is sought in all decoration.

Mix styles, not colors

When mixing styles it is important to use a limited color palette. If you try to mix different colors and styles at the same time, it will be more difficult to make the whole decoration work. By adding different colors in already different styles you will make the whole decoration feel chaotic and unbalanced. Color can be a unifying factor, by choosing the same color for different elements or furniture, you can make them work in any decoration

Group similar elements and pieces

A great way to link different items is to find something they have in common and group them. You can group them by color, size or texture. This will create a collection with more impact and will make more sense than each item on its own. This works great for small items.

When setting your furniture try to divide your items and distribute them evenly throughout the space. It is important to start with the furniture. Go first with the big furniture and then move to the small ones. For example, in the living room the couch will tell you how much space is available for the other pieces. When using different styles it is important to play with the size and height but always try to choose furniture with similar color or material this way you keep the visual balance of the room.

Do not be afraid to mix different styles, as long as the visual balance is maintained everything is possible. However, it takes practice to achieve it, so it is always an option to rent furniture to practice and get the perfect balance.

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